Dates: The conference takes place online on September 1 and 2, 2021.
Time zone: All times are indicated in CEST (Central European Summer Time), which is 6h ahead of Eastern Time.
Program structure: Each day there are 2 sessions, 9:30 – 12:00 and 15:00 – 17:30.
Each talk is scheduled for 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion.
The 15 minutes time limit is strictly enforced to allow time for discussion.
Link to streaming: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/67327825188
Final program (presenter in bold)
September 1, 2021
Session GROUP SELECTION, 9:30 - 12:00
9:30 - Ennio, Leonardo, Heinrich - WELCOME!
9:50 - Srinivas Arigapudi, Yuval Heller, Amnon Schreiber “Sampling Dynamics and Stable Mixing in Hawk-Dove Games”
10:10 - Daniel B. Cooney, Yoichiro Mori “Long-Time Behavior of a PDE Replicator Equation for MultilevelSelection in Group-Structured Populations”
10:30 - Lucie Letrouit ”Why can't we be friends? An evolutionary approach to ethno-cultural hierarchies”
10:50 - Ingela Alger “On the evolution of male competitiveness”
11:10 - Takako Fujiwara-Greve, Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara “Tolerance in Voluntary Partnerships”
11:30 - Tatiana Mayskaya, Arina Nikandrova “Privacy Paradox: When Does Hiding in Plain Sight Work?”
Session EVOLUTION OF PREFERENCES, 15:00 - 17:30
15:00 - Greg Kubitz, Lionel Page “<<If you can, you must.>> The Evolutionary Foundation of Reference Point Choice and Loss Aversion”
15:20 - Selim Gulesci, Sam Jindani, Eliana La Ferrara, David Smerdon, Munshi Sulaiman, H. Peyton Young “A Stepping Stone Approach to Understanding Harmful Norms”
15:40 - Aslıhan Akdeniz, Matthijs van Veelen “The evolution of morality and the role of commitment”
16:00 - Srinivas Arigapudi, Yuval Heller, Igal Milchtaich “Instability of Defection in the Prisoner’s Dilemma Under Best Experienced Payoff Dynamics”
16:20 - Luciano Andreozzi “Repeated bargaining: The shadow of the future may be bad for social cooperation”
16:40 - Yuan Gu “Fictitious Play with Belief Perturbations”
17:00 - Omer Edhan, Ziv Hellman, Ilan Nehama “Making the most of potential: potential games and genotypic convergence”
17:20 - Larry Samuelson - Tribute to Bill Sandholm
September 2, 2021
Session NORMS AND CONVENTIONS, 9:30 - 12:00:
9:30 - Ulrich Berger, Hannelore De Silva “Evolution of deterrence with costly reputation information”
9:50 - Péter Bayer, Ani Guerdjikova “Optimism leads to optimality: Ambiguity in network formation”
10:10 - Marco Lambrecht, Eugenio Proto, Aldo Rustichini, Andis Sofianos “Intelligence Disclosure in Repeated Interactions”
10:30 - Zibo Xu “An Epsilon-committed Cheap-talk Game”
10:50 - Sayan Mukherjee, Souvik Roy “Regularized Bayesian Best Response Learning in Finite Games”
11:10 - Segismundo S. Izquierdo, Luis R. Izquierdo, Matthijs van Veelen “Repeated Games with Endogenous Separation”
11:30 - Niccolò Lomys, Lorenzo Magnolfi, Camilla Roncoroni “Structural Estimation in Complex Dynamic Environments”
11:50 - Aviad Heifetz, Georg Nöldeke, Jorge Pena “The shirker’s dilemma”
Session LEARNING IN GAMES, 15:00 - 17:30
15:00 - Filippo Massari, Jonathan Newton “Learning and equilibrium in misspecified models”
15:20 - Drew Fudenberg, Giacomo Lanzani “Which Misperceptions Persist?“
15:40 - George Loginov “Ordinal Imitative Dynamics”
16:00 - David Gill, Yaroslav Rosokha “Beliefs, learning, and personality in theindefinitely repeated prisoner’s dilemma”
16:20 - Daniel Friedman, Jean Paul Rabanal, Olga A. Rud, Shuchen Zhao “On the empirical relevance of correlated equilibrium”
16:40 - Russell Golman, Erin H. Bugbee, Aditi Jain, Sonica Sara “Hipsters and the Cool: A Game Theoretic Analysis of Social Identity, Trends and Fads”
17:00 - Wolfram Barfuss, Janusz Meylahn “Algorithmic collusion in multi-agent systems”